I thought I'd send you a quick note before I go to bed...thanks for such a good day...I'm still not adjusted to my new meds and I still get a little spacey around lunch time. But overall I had a great day and I'm super grateful for having so much to smile about! Yesterday I wrote to you about the roadblocks to faith and I was giving some thought to prejudice. I was thinking that it's a concept that means I think I'm better than someone else, or that what I beleive is smarter or better than what someone else believes. It makes me to be an intolerant man which leads me to be mean and hateful. I don't believe you want me to be either of these things. If I'm fair, tolerant and respectful of ideas or beliefs different from mine I expand my faith. I don't think it means that I have to embrace hate or bigotry..but I think I can challenge it in a respectful manner. I believe that is how you would act if you ran into some dumb ass bias behavior.
It all comes down to me not hating..right?
I'm going to bed...but if ya get a chance would you check in on those kids who are cold and lonely tonight? Could you send some extra love to some of the old people who have no family to care for them? And if you have any extra time could you comfort my friends who are feeling sad tonight? I love you....xx to the little angels tonight :)
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