I'm procrastinating and thought it was better if I took some time to say hi to you then use my time doing something that wasn't as fruitful. Thanks for a great day! I'm glad I got to teach today and grateful that I could share what I know with someone else. Thanks too for the chance to catch up with Terri and Eric...I'm lucky that I get to have them in my life. If you get a chance will you check in on Terri's little boy who has the flu? And also if you could check in on that little girl that Rudra helps...I know she is real sick and might be leaving here so I pray that her family gets a chance to share their love with her before she dies!
Gigi has me working a 4th step on my financial insecurities..the aformentioned procrastination...right? I don't feel like I'm afraid to look at it, but why else am I dragging my butt? There are only like 18 questions and I've written them all down, so now it is just working through them...one at a time like everything else I guess! BTW don't think I'm not smart enough to know that you're giving me the opportunity to learn financial responsibility! It's like when I use to ask you to give me patience so you would put me in a traffic jam...funny! So I realized that I put a note in my god box for help...hang on I gotta go look....oh yeah..."financial irresponsibility" ...lol! I have got to find a better way to give this stuff to you ....
Thank you for loving me so much and for taking the time to guide me. I still have fear but not as much these days. All I have to do is stay in the moment, here with you there is nothing to fear. Fear is in the future, resentment is in the past - two places I have no business hanging out in! No fun!
Thanks forgiving me something to laugh about today...please help others to laugh more too!!! It feels so fucking good...right?
Love you,
ps - how come you have so many names? is it just to make it easier for everyone to connect with you the way they need to? just curious.. :)
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