Dear G,
Whats up today? Thanks for helping Warren reach another milestone today! 4 years!! Awesome! He is such a good friend though between the two of us...I wish he could find a sponsee - but I guess I need to keep the focus on my own program, huh?
So many folks talking about the anniversary of the WTC tragic. I'm always sad when there are these kinds of tragedies and people ask why you let them happen. What they seem to forget is that you gave us free will and what we do with it is up to us. If we align it with your will, things go well but in the times of great tragedies it is the will of somebody who has chosen to ignore your will in favor of what their own will, certain to make for a mess, at least from my experience exercising my will, right?
Life in Atlanta goes on :). I'm finding it more challenging to feel motivated as of late. I have to remember to focus on my own you, clean house, help others...I believe my serenity goes up. I guess that's why I'm not feeling motivated and spiritually fit..I'm simply not doing enough for others and perhaps I need to do some heavy I read this bit in the Grapevine, (Sept 2009/pg 49)
"I heard that I'd never drink if at any one time I could answer 4 questions:
- Who's your sponsor?
- What Step are you on?
- Where's your home group?
- Where's your service commitment?
Ooooohhhhh!!!!! looks like I found the chink in the armor - or rather you put the solution in front of me! If I only have a sponsor this is no bueno! So here's what I think you want me to do... I called Gigi and she set me to work on Step 10. I'm going to go to 3-4 meetings a week and find a home group, maybe Wed 7pm CMA? I always like that meeting and I'm going to get on board with next years HRU , the first meeting is the first Sunday in October. What do you think of that plan? I think it's sound and feels right. Let me know if you think otherwise, I'll do whatever you think, I trust your decision.
I'm going to wrap this up, but if you have a chance will you check in on Chandler? I think he's feeling maybe not so good. Oh and if ya know someone who needs a sponsor I'm available :)
Don't work too hard! Say hi to Jesus :)
Love you