financial insecurities 10/12/11

I'm thinking alot about fear today. Trying to figure out the role it has played to get me here today. You told me that fear lives in tomorrow and regret lives in yesterday and I need to live in today, beause in today there is no room for fear or regret. I get that!! But I'm wondering what can  I learn about the role of fear in my life before today. Were my decisons guided by fear? Did I decide to do one thing for fear of another? Or did my fear of either minimize my real choices until the choice was more or less made for. By that I mean if I had several choices and procrastinated did the option for choices dwindle until there was but one available? I still do that. My fear of what might happen paralyzes me from making anything happen until my lack of action forces something to happen. Obviously I make some choices but you know what I mean, right? Like financial decisions. I ignore the reponsibilities afraid of taking action that I fear will be too difficult until a late fee comes do or a collection agency calls or I lose something. Would you help me to overcome this behavior? I'm willing to take your suggestion and trust that you can get me through. I believe that you will guide me to make the right decision as long as I take action. If you have any other direction I hope you'll let me know...

Please help my sister/friend Kris with the things she needs from you. Protect her on this journey. Please send extra love to her mother who has her own suffering and help her find the peace you give me especially when I least expect it. Thanks for letting me spend this time with mom. Oh, and if ya have the time can you look in on my friend Jason who's trying to find the focus to move from NYC to Asheville, it's gotta be challenging and scary to leave a home that you've held for so many years, even when you know it's a good thing. Also check in on his sister Mary Celeste who I don't know but you do. Thanks so much for your help with all this. Hope this letter finds you well! I'll be in touch soon.

Love, M

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