I'm so confused at the moment. I'm not sure if I'm more angry or sad. I was so surprised to hear that Gary took his own life today. But at the same time angry that he would choose a cowards end. He was the most remarkable man. He was a great strength to the sober community and a remarkable role model in the gay community. He had a warm spirit and so it's hard to understand why he lost his strength, his fortitude, his will to live. I realize it is something that I cannot understand except that he found his pain too difficult to cope and perhaps now he has found some comfort. I remember what Swami Jaya Davi told me after we lost Mark Picar...that it was my responsibility now to live my life as rich and full as I could..in fact more than before because now I had to cover some of the living that Mark couldn't cover for himself. And so that is my charge for Gary... to live my life beyond the reaches that I live...for Mark and, now, for Gary too! Thanks for the reminder today to embrace life! There are so many people that I wonder if you can look in on today...but could you check in on Rose, too? She seemed kinda down today. Thanks!
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